The Annual Meeting of the Council is on 20 September, starting at 7 p.m. in Braddock Hall. Supervisor Walkinshaw will be present to kick off the new Council year and talk about current issues in the Braddock District.
The Executive Committee is excited about the upcoming year. As mentioned in last month’s article, there are numerous initiatives aimed at making the Council even more effective in creating a stronger sense of community in the Braddock District. These initiatives will require the active participation of member associations to bring them to fruition, which makes it all the more important that last year’s members renew their membership and other associations join for the upcoming year. Dues for 2023-2024 are payable now. Please see the website ( for the membership form and payment instructions. If it is more convenient, feel free to bring your check to the September meeting. This will give you voting rights at the meeting, where we need to confirm the Treasurer-designate, Barbara Smith.
To recap the initiatives, they include:
The revised Aging in Place program (meet the new coordinator, Paul Hartwell)
Membership outreach
Bylaws revision
Strategic Communications enhancements
Setting the meeting schedule and lining up presenters on topics of interest to the members
Supporting the supervisor’s Best of Braddock Awards program
The Council exists for the benefit of its members, so we need to hear from you on how you would like to see the Council operate. The post-pandemic ‘reboot’ year was very successful and we want to maintain that momentum going forward. So, again, I ask you to please send in your dues payment as soon as possible and plan on attending the Annual Meeting. I look forward to seeing all of you in September to kick off what should be an exciting year for the Council.
Bob Cosgriff