The Council’s 2023-2024 operating year is now over. Since the many highlights of the year were contained in last month’s “From the Chair” article, I won’t repeat them here. By any measure, it was a good year for the Council, particularly in terms of membership. At the end of year, we numbered 37 members, a 33% increase over 2022-2023. Treasurer Barbara Smith has mailed out invoices to all current members and many have already paid their dues for 2024-2025. Thank you for your promptness. If your association has not paid, I urge you to do so as soon as possible as this will help Barbara prepare the annual budget for presentation at the September meeting. Payment can be made by check and mailed to the supervisor’s office, 9002 Burke Lake Road, Burke, VA 22015, attn. Sally Kidalov, or by Zelle.
Although the summer is traditionally a slow time for the Council as a whole, the Executive Committee will meet once or twice prior to September to discuss plans for future presentations and also to keep current on a few issues affecting Braddock District, namely, the County’s implementation of plans for Lake Accotink, rezoning proposals for commercial/industrial issues relating to data centers, and Corporate Transparency Act reporting requirements. We will also conduct an audit of our books by volunteer members, with results to be presented in September.
Member associations also have some “homework” over the summer, namely, to review proposed changes to the Bylaws that are posted elsewhere on our website. There are two documents: one is in “Track Changes” format, showing where deletions or additions were made, and the other is a “smooth” document assuming all changes are accepted. So please look these documents over and discuss them with your association boards. I’d like to devote sufficient time at our 18 September to get your feedback and perhaps put the amended Bylaws to a vote unless more time is needed to thoroughly go over all the changes. In any event, the goal is to approve the new Bylaws by the end of the calendar year.
A major initiative of the Council is the Senior Outreach program headed up by Vice-chair Marie Norman. Included in Senior Outreach is the Aging in Place program under the direction of Paul Hartwell. Paul has an excellent set of presentations lined up for the upcoming year, so keep your eye on the website for dates, locations, and topics.
The supervisor’s office is always looking for volunteers for the popular Braddock Nights musical events at Lake Accotink and Royal Lake on Fridays, as well as the Saturday Arts in the Parks programs at the Audrey Moore Recreation Center. Please pass the word to your associations. Volunteers can sign up with online with Irma Mejia-Lewis at
Have a safe and enjoyable 4th of July and summer. The BDC officers and I look forward to seeing all of you in September and in the following months.
Bob Cosgriff